
VoidX-Control is an application that makes remote-control capability easy to implement in your products. VoidX-Control is available for all major platforms (Android, iOS, Windows, macOS). Under the hood, our VoidX-Protocol library handles communication between a VoidX-Master device (tipically your device running VoidX-Control) and a number of VoidX-Slave devices (the remotely-controlled devices). VoidXProtocol can handle up to 16 sessions simulataneously, this means that up to 16 VoidX-Slave devices can be simultaneously controlled by a VoidX-Master.

VoidXProtocol is a declarative system based on property-nodes: we figured out a way to model any application as an inter-connected set of property-nodes.

It is possible, in minutes, to build the structure of a complex application and visualize it on your master device.

Here is how it works: once the connection is estabilshed, VoidX-Control “browses” the slave device and renders the application structure on your master device in a way that is elegant and intuitive to the user, the application structure is then constantly updated according to the slave internal state. VoidXProtocol is not only about simple parameters, we can automatically create very complex structures with different screens, menus, tabs, folders, subfolders, lists, presets and many more, it is also possible to load/store files. The application look automatically reflects the data of our customer (logo, author, product name and many more).

Let us be your partners in System design (Hardware, firmware, software): through our technology we can help you building modern applications and minimize time to market.

Currently VoidX-Control physical layer runs over BLE (Bluetooth low energy) and Wi-Fi on mobile devices (Android, iOS) and USB/Serial and Wi-Fi on Desktop devices (Windows, macOS). Wi-Fi functionality is still beta.

Download VoidX-Control from Play Store and App Store.

The video below demonstrates an example application built upon the VoidX ecosystem: Mini Stomp-X Dev-Board hosts VoidX-DSPModule, the heart of the system, remote control is carried out by VoidX-Control application on Android. The example application is a powerful stereo IR Loader based on our proprietary ultra-efficient DSP Library.